On September 15, 2009, Doubleday will publish the sequel to The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown's new novel, The Lost Symbol (cover illustrated). This novel will prominently feature Freemasonry. In a series of blog posts, "The Lost Symbol and Masonry," I described the challenge and opportunity that Dan Brown's book presents to Freemasonry:
- In Part 1, I explain that the Scottish Rite (and, perhaps, Freemasonry in general) may be featured in a highly negative light in the novel.
- In Part 2, I explain why it is that all Freemasons -- Blue Lodge, York Rite, and Scottish Rite of either the Southern or the Northern Masonic Jurisdictions -- should be concerned about this.
- In Part 3, I describe what it is that Masonic organizations -- Grand Lodges, local lodges, York Rite bodies, and Scottish Rite Valleys and Jurisdictions-- can do in reference to this challenge and opportunity.
- In Part 4, I explain what it is that the individual Freemason can do.
You may use each of the links above to gain access to each part of the series. You may also use this link to see current posts on this blog, Freemasonry: Reality, Myth, and Legend.
[The image is taken from the website of Doubleday.]
Thank you very much for this blog. As a New Zealand Freemason, I can tell you we are well prepared in a similar fashion to what you have highlighted. You have put much effort into this blog, and I am sure there are many Masons around the world who have read it. I do have one question, Do you think that it is possible for Freemasonry to open itself too much to the general puplic? I would hate to see the mystique of the lodge lost by turing it into a fairground attraction(a rather extreme metaphore, but im sure you get my drift). I do see the importance of having a greater public presence, times are changing- and so must we. As in all things that challenge the status quo, finding a ballance between tradition and progress is not easy.
ReplyDeletelet us hope we can still feel like Freemasons in the years to come.
It is a great novel and a great movie as well, to bad that the esoteric subjects are said so quick and they dont seem to be further investigated.